Galar Hellzone - tentative au name

The story has an emphasis on mental illness/neurodiversity, decay, civil regression, the boundaries and barriers between "human" and "pokemon", generational abuse/illness, the power of music

Psychics have a heavy focus due to their natural attraction to the "brain weird", unfortunately they (psychics in general as well as certain scapegoats) are sometimes blamed for many of the problems, but are absolutely not a cause, simply following long followed instincts and behavioral patterns with psychic pokemon and the humans they often "preferr".

(a)To die as a pokemon you become a pokemon and life goes on. To die as a human means going to Heaven. No one knows what heaven is. Arceus may Know but who knows.

(b)to die as a pokemon you become a pokemon and life goes on. To die as a human you become a pokemon. Your granddaughter finds you lurking by the playground thinking of her and she sees you runs over and laughs as she goes to take one of your strings. WILL YOU CARRY HER HOME,,,OR WILL YOU CARRY HER FAR FAR AWAY

(c)to die as a pokemon you become a pokemon and life goes on...unless it doesn't. To die as a human you should become a Pokemon [but sometimes something else happened.....................


Rob & Hau:

Rob is from the "midwestern" region, he has a single mother who is divorced from a still living father of Rob (presumably still living in the region they left). The region falls into a religious Civil War years after their departure.

Rob has a Litten/Inciniroar and Hau has a Popplio/Primarina (Reverse from the game so Hau has the type advantage), but still wipes the island trails although without much express interest/understanding/true respect and garners much tense animosity (more than before, just being an outsider).

Hau grappled with feelings of jealousy throughout their relationship during the trails but flipped and grew overly attached and loyal to Rob, due to the unique way he relates to him (very concerning the way their brain works and sometimes in gender).

Hau's Primarina (BooBoo) is the more animalistic of the two (in comparison to Incineroar) she can be described as violent and conniving, but reserves gentleness for those she is most loyal, though she still enjoys playing rough. She is not afraid of making a mess of things or making a commotion to improve her environment to her liking (water is everywhere everything is wet).

Rob's Inciniroar is overly polite and often minimizes himself, he often carries himself like a bull in a china shop deathly afraid of the sound of broken glass. He is very self conscious about his "sharp bits"(his claws and barbs + the heat he has low control over even with training and experience).


Hau & Rob develop romantic/sexual relations with Guzma about a year and beyond from his place in jail/out on parole.Guzma also shares and starts many of their drug dependencies and proclivity towards drugs in general.

Rob starts having sex with his pokemon first, neither virgins (Rob w/ Guzma and Hau, though Guzma was first. Incineroar with BooBoo) but the firsts of crossing that barrier with a human/pokemon and a partner was monumental. Rob had been servicing and rubbing him out, not until he was "full grown" but with the same cadence as he would giving any other paternal/maternal care, melting Inciniroar's tense barriers. Although Inci was still very nervous about inserting himself in his Partner, his tiny soft fleshy Human (means: very weak! The weakest kind of creature!) and obviously there isn't even a way he can do this without a [Bloody mess!] but Rob guides both of their actions slowly and carefully, easing him into a dull rhythm. Inci could quell his discomforts and worries through the end, but seeing his seed in his young trainer[mother] flaired his guilt terribly, until Rob worked harder to express his own enjoyment (no no no sweetie you didn't not hurt/Ruin me).

Rob is a Knight and Prophet and Hau is his Healer and Maiden. They are sequestered into the group of the Punished and were Punished for their Sin of lust upon arriving in Heaven. They are also the first to cross into the unknown, although they can not warn their group before they too are called to Heaven. Afterwards, though keeping their vow of silence on their Punishment, they seek to proclaim the horrors and dangers of both Arceus and Heaven, as well as their love of life, the second chance they took.

Upon touching down from heaven ((a)escaping/(c)released) Rob's type is Ghost/Electric during and after his full transformation [(a)hissuian zoroark(shiny-esqe)/(b)"dread dogs"h&r oc's exactly"/(c)BooBoo the primarina emerges as the vessel body long after her parabiosis with Rob(very undecided over all)] and his tool is a trident that uses to guide lighting strikes sent from the heavens, but he can serve as conduit himself. Hau's type is Ghost/[undetermined] and after full transformation [(a)hissuian zoroark(purple hair tips)/(b)dread dog oc's/(c)Incineroar emerges as the vessel body long after his parabiosis with Hau] Their snouts elongate throughout the weeks of their travels trying to gather their team and prepare [computers. lots and lots of computers. as well as a "place"]

Modern (202X) Professor Laventon (& Rose)

Modern Lav is much like his PLA self in personality, however he adopts a foster pokemon, a Mr Mime (regional variant from unnamed India based region, heavily implied to be connected to "Clown City") named Rose (or "Rows"). He slowly learns/uncovers the truth behind her previous home and the abuses she's gone through, but happens alongside her coercion of him to be in a sexual relationship with her (or at least just fuck her "as a pet"). He is very against this when he finally first recognizes her advances as what they are, but through persistence as well as stresses and pressures outside of their relationship Lav is going through he "snaps" and "gives in" hoping to appease her demands for even a moment, tired of having to correct her behavior and pull her off his dick in public and even in front of his higher ups at work (of course trying desperately to be a good owner and bond with her and "make her normal" in doing things like trying to take her to work, but the high effort demand of that challenge is too high for a man too unqualified as well as so lacking energy and time to even do so).

(Subject to canon-forks:) Lav also often has a "Hyde" side to his personality, triggered by stress and pressure although sometimes just by late night periods (11pm-3am)

Lav even pulls Rose beneath the covers and down to his crotch that first time he gives in and fucks her, still somewhat hoping this will make her stop asking. The guilt and worry of the next morning in stronger than anything Lav has ever felt, and he thinks himself a monster (while going through the motions of getting ready for work and having to face his coworker, pretend to be normal) and also nervously ponders the idea that he might have impregnated her (after carelessly releasing in her last night) (though he has no proof that that is even possible the nightmare haunts him for quite a while). He (almost frantically) cleans her and tends to her [New!] bruises, given to her by [You! Her new aggressor and abuser! You monster!] Lav in the heat of night, and even (tries) covering them with make-up (he thinks about going out to find a more accurate shade of foundation for her). He takes her in to work, paranoia making him think it would look worse [they would Know more] if he just didn't bring her Today. She is euphoric she is attached she is never going to leave him, not the Good Man who finally finally finally completed her perfect picture and gave her Everything she could have ever wanted! Even though it didn't happen That day, it didn't take long for her to transition to touching while they Were at work, her sucking him off under his desk, Him using his fingers to play with her sex and finger her entrance (trying to quite her moans, having to keep completely out of site due to her very expressive reactions and orgasms), and even putting her on his desk and servicing her with his tongue. Actually asking[demanding] that she works to behave for the rest of the day does work when touching (or being touched by) her, as long as he makes it clear.

Often having a talking pokemon he can conversate with in his own language is very strange to Lav. He finds himself flipping between trying to treat Rose like a pet/pokemon and treating her like a human [child] and is never sure how to blend these two concepts in his mind to make something that works. When he tries to utilize and take comfort in one way of thinking the other rears its ugly head and upends him again.


Young scientist and witch from the hoenn region. Works for the Magma Team and is responsible in most of the goal shift and eventual end of the organization, before diving fully into Being a witch. She constructs a large and long Punishment for Giovanni (fueled by a growing hatred of the humanity he represented) although one that can be Won.

Hop & Marnie:

Vana the Treecko:

(Currently unnamed) Human OC and Jason the Mr Mime:

Patient is "chronically ill" although the true nature of their illness is ambiguous and largely undefined. They are (usually) weak and often faints, also fails in proper selfcare often enough that a very special type of medical "service animal" was "hired/bought/sent" to help Patient in their health as well as their day to day life. Patient's parents are recluse and unnerve Jason with their blunt, stern, and unemotive nature (being so unable to read them triggers a failure/fear response due to his "human assistance" training).

Jason was raised in a facility and family dedicated to the craft of medical assistance. He was instilled with a manufactured desire to *be* human with the hold back that he will never be human. In his schooling (propaganda block) he was trained to "appreciate" humans, but especially through influence from his "brothers" his budding sexuality was completely wrapped around humans and his worship of them (women in particular but Jason will be a whore if he can "get away with it"). Consciously confronting it still bring him much shame and he often denies and he keeps to isolating himself to the extreme (although the extreme fear of being found out "in the moment" lead him to be a bit into exhibitionism). He takes to collecting physical "illicit materials" of the girls that are his type (kept under many layers of mechanical locks as well as a barrier making it invisible and near impenetrable. A bit overkill to many of his brothers in training.), but pornographic content involving *pokemon* and humans terrify him.

Jason's mother is the head of the organization, not in official capacity, but she holds final say over all that happens in the facility. She fakes peppy sweetness, but is a jaded and controlling mime who believes she and her kind (or at least her family) should rise in status to the likes of humans and seeks to do that by conforming and becoming as human as possible. (She gives her kids mandatory oedipus complexes lol)

Patient often acts aloof around Jason, not so much that he'd notice at first, but that makes confrontation all the more intense. Jason's near inherent crush on Patient was intensified by her patient and understanding responses to his nervous malding over silly things as well as the access to Viewing her form while caring for her (or even just catching peaks while Patient is changing). Patient is the one to make the first move, late at night cuddled up underneath the blanket with Jason between Patient's legs and her arms wrapped around him. At a moment of complete Un-nervousness he completely lost any of that balance when he felt his Patient's hand reach for his sheath, working him up and out as she pulled him tighter and covered his mouth when he got too noisy. She whispers about how glad she is to make him happy, paying him back, make him feel "normal" as she makes first sexual contact with the "adult teenage boy".

They live in a small town/tight knit community west of Unova, near Rob's home county as well as the site of a extreme religious war in sighted by a religious cult (Team) that kicks off around the 11th year mark (a few years after Jason arrives). Not so close that they are in the middle of it. However before the war kicked up there was no defenses for the peaceful quiet town other than a lone pokemon, a spindly "knight" with a beak shaped helmet and beady eyes glowing from the holes at the edges of his mouth (He goes "ke ke ke" a lot).

Law enforcement:

An incel loser finds himself dropped into the pokemon world from his own home. Because of the great public services he doesn't suffer the typical transmigrator woes of homelessness, hunger, violence on the streets. Instead he is able to easily find affordable housing and even a job through a city welcome center.

He chooses to respond to the new utopia he lives in by becoming a serial rapist. Stalking parks and playgrounds at night he finds endless opportunities.

With every civilian raised in little to no fear of their fellow humans, (when wandering at night you're maybe wary of a stray pokemon attack at worst)


It's as easy as taking candy from a baby.

Local law enforcement: baffled, horrified, shocked,- plucky Jake Peralta detective saddled with a real case, and a growing list of victims

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